Fostering Sustainability

St. Andrew’s College, Aurora, Ontario


Fostering Sustainability worked with St. Andrew’s College (SAC) to develop an Environmental Plan that includes short, medium and long-term goals for making “St. Andrew’s College the greenest place possible”.


Working with the Environmental Task Force, Fostering Sustainability assessed the costs and benefits of several strategies for greening of the School. The final Environmental Plan covered all aspects of the school’s operations and school life, including greening of facilities and operations, giving consideration to the environment in student and residential life, and integration of environmental sustainability issues into the curriculum.  


As part of the process, Fostering Sustainability helped SAC to “jump-start” environmental initiatives with immediate benefits and short-term pay-backs, such as instituting a Lug-A-Mug program, food waste composting, energy retrofit and water conservation projects, and creating a new Middle School Green Team.  The Environmental Plan builds on the momentum of student projects and green initiatives such as banning plastic water bottles on campus, instituting a no-idling policy, using recycled paper and banning pesticides on the grounds. 


The goal of the Environmental Plan is that everyone in the school community will become one of “St. Andrew’s Green Environmentalists”, in spirit and by modeling a campus-wide ethic of environmental citizenship.  By doing so, SAC aims to inspire students to demonstrate leadership in terms of ecological citizenship and graduate to become agents of change in society’s transition to a sustainable future.

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